Mika M
My VB.NET 2003 Windows Forms application has components on the form bound to
the dataset datatable. Editing and saving is working fine, but data source
SQL Server's table has column named as "SaveTime", Data Type = datetime, and
Default Value is (getdate()). It's bound to TextBox, and TextBox's
ReadOnly-property=True. I want to show only save time on the form, but how
can I set this database's time automatically when it's bound to TextBox.
I bound it this way...
txtSaveTime.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dt, "SaveTime"))
My problem is when new line is saved into SQL Server's table using
DataAdapters update-mothod, SQL Server's table's column named as "SaveTime"
is NULL! I would like to use database's time because workstation client time
may not be correct always.
My VB.NET 2003 Windows Forms application has components on the form bound to
the dataset datatable. Editing and saving is working fine, but data source
SQL Server's table has column named as "SaveTime", Data Type = datetime, and
Default Value is (getdate()). It's bound to TextBox, and TextBox's
ReadOnly-property=True. I want to show only save time on the form, but how
can I set this database's time automatically when it's bound to TextBox.
I bound it this way...
txtSaveTime.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", dt, "SaveTime"))
My problem is when new line is saved into SQL Server's table using
DataAdapters update-mothod, SQL Server's table's column named as "SaveTime"
is NULL! I would like to use database's time because workstation client time
may not be correct always.