database strange behavior

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alain
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I do not know if it was already posted !!!
Hi to all,

I am wondering if some of you MVP can shed some light on this strange
I have develop a database FE/BE and trnasfer old data from a legacy Access97
db. Everything was working just fine until this past monday.
I am starting getting error 3044 ... wrong file path msg from user,the path
in the msg was pointing directly to my development folder on my desktop.
I found out which table was causing the problem, so I just rebuild it,
transfer data fom the problem table to the new one, ran test and get the same
error, this time I decide to create again a new table, but this time directly
on the BE db sitting on the network, worked fine for 2 days.

Now, the fun part, I needed to add another control to the main form, write
about a dozen line of code for it and that is it.
To test this control, I make a copy of the BE db to my machine for testing
purpose with the latest data, (FYI; I never use the real one, always copies)
ran test and everythig is fine. I release the updated version on the network
so the users can start using it.
The next day, when the user ( different one ) is opening the new version, he
is getting the same error again, but this time, not only with 1 tables but
with 7 different ones this time. (the original problem table is included in
the 7, I just ran thru my code to relink manually to find out which is
causing problems).
I have absolutly no idea why all of sudden I am getting these bunch of 3044
errors, the BE is always at the same location on the network.
My BE db contains approx 160 tables and the process is always the same, When
the user start the program, it is checking to see if there is a newer version
available, if not then it continues with the same program.
If a new version is avalaible, it shuts down automatically so the end user
must use the newer version, once that process is done,
then the program start checking all linked tables and refreshes them and
then problems starts....

At one point in time I was not even able to manually relink the tables so
they can keep working until I find out what is the real problem behind this.

So what I did is I transfer all my forms, reports, modules, queries to a
blank db, compile an release it, same problem again when trying to connect,
so I did transfer all tables to a blank one, compact and repair and try
again, same problem, try to link manually, was not albe because of the same

the only solution for the time being is to put everything together into 1
new single db and run the program from the network, not the best but at least
I do not get those errors. We are currently using Access 2007 on XP machines.

So my question is what can possibly cause this "all of a sudden" strange
behavior ? How can I resolve this ?
I have tried averything I possibly know but I still hit the wall....
Iam open to anything, any discussion that will help me out on this one.
On Mon, 7 Jun 2010 07:25:01 -0700, Alain

This is hard to trouble-shoot without actually being onsite.
Perhaps you are using mapped drives to link to the BE, and different
people have them mapped different ways?
Perhaps your reattach code is not as robust as you thought?

Microsoft Access MVP
I'm with Tom ... hard to diagnose without more information.

Is there a chance that you are using "sharenames" for the path to the
backend tables, rather than UNC-named paths? If so, there's no guarantee
that the "N:" drive you set up on your PC is the same mapping that someone
else used for their "N:" (or that they even have one!).

And just to confirm, because you may be using the terms differently than I
do ... do you have a single copy of the back-end (i.e., the tables only) on
a server someplace on your local area network, and a copy of the front-end
on each/every user's PC?

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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