Database Server


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
The DB Server went down again last night for a few hours due to a courrupt backup. This is currently going on in the background, so posts may seem to time out - they are still being inserted into the DB, but will only appear once the backup is complete.

I'm contacting the hosts now to see if there is any other server solution, as this is the last straw for this one. :mad:
Does this mean its time to move to Linux? Mucks will be pleased! :)
is that why i got a white screen why i opened the page, also why i cant see the new posts that i posted?
Yes, quite possibly VR :D

kingnathski88, they should have appeared now :)
Linux Linux Linux

hehe ... two of my posts are missing ... not a worry, I was only chit-chatting.

It wont do you know ... you'll just have to set your alarm clock for 3am and get up while we are all nicely tucked up in bed and do a manual backup.


You know Linux servers are usually cheaper ... ;)
I did that at about 1AM for about three weeks whilst I was setting the server software up - much rather do that than lose anything :D

I'm looking into Linux servers now, I'm going to be brave and dual boot over the Christmas holiday to get myself used to it - then I'll take the plunge ;)
ARG - I've picked up one of the problems. The server monitoring software at the host end has picked up some false database errors, and then reset the server which has actually caused them.

Its just done it now and it was working fine :mad: Getting them to fix it ASAP.
OK, I've been told MySQL service checks have been removed and it is now based on an http string :)
A new Database restart is being trialled that will restart the DB service if it is down for 2 mins - also server backups are now performed around 6AM in case anything goes wrong again.
I couldn't get on PCR at all last night, using various different DNS Resolvers.

Give me two tics and i'll pinpoint the time for you :)

01:30:38AM This Morning
Thats right unfortunatly! I got up super early thismorning to put a DB reset script in place - just needs testing, but I hope that doesn't arrise.

Its still the backups causing this, so I've re-arranged all of the times to something more suitable. :) I'm still not confident enough with Linux yet to make the switch now, but in a few weeks I'm hoping I'll be up to speed!
Ian Cunningham said:
Thats right unfortunatly! I got up super early thismorning to put a DB reset script in place - just needs testing, but I hope that doesn't arrise.

Its still the backups causing this, so I've re-arranged all of the times to something more suitable. :) I'm still not confident enough with Linux yet to make the switch now, but in a few weeks I'm hoping I'll be up to speed!
My Linux is better than your Linux.

I'm jinxing myself by saying this, but the server has been ok since this last (hopefully) fix has been put in place, not a minutes downtime since :D
Ian Cunningham said:
I'm jinxing myself by saying this, but the server has been ok since this last (hopefully) fix has been put in place, not a minutes downtime since :D
uhoh ...
