Database Server Overload


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Something strange happened a few mins ago and the server was down for around 2 minutes. No idea what happened, but the auto-recovery scripts have done their job and restored everything properly :D

No dataloss or anything, just access problems for a couple of mins :thumb:
What does the manual say for this problem or is the problem microsofts, yet another bug found?
Dont know if its the same thing m8. I've been getting access problems for a few days now.

If I post or reply in a thread soon as I press submit it takes anything upto 5mins to actually display the page with my reply in it. Accessing the actual homepage and browsing is ok just submissions that i'm having problems with
Yup feckit, it is an MS bug - but there is a patch on the way according to the KB article so it should be ok (I hope!).

Mucks has just told me about a problem he's having too TD, so I'll work on it now :thumb: Let me know if it still happens in 10 mins, as I'm repairing/optimising the database tables now.