Database Record Search Error

Jun 22, 2007
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i have a problem with my search feature, i have searched these forums and found a similar problem but i tried that solution and it didnt work :(

run-time error '3265':
item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal

it highlights
DataEnvironment1.rsPersonal.Filter = "P_LastName Like '" & SearchValue & "*'"
when i debug

i have removed that line of code and it runs though and gives me all results in database

any help would be much appreciated :)

thank you

here is the fullcode

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Dim SearchValue As String
'Seach database using input box
SearchValue = InputBox("Enter Contact Surname")
'If no search criterea entered - cancel search
If SearchValue = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a name, please try again"
SearchValue = InputBox("Enter Contact Surname")
lblRecord.Caption = ""
MsgBox "Search Canceled"
'Otherwise match last name to user input
DataEnvironment1.rsPersonal.Filter = "P_LastName Like '" & SearchValue & "*'"

'Show number of records matching search critera
lblRecord.Caption = "Number of matching records : " & DataEnvironment1.rsPersonal.RecordCount
'If no matching records display message
If DataEnvironment1.rsPersonal.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Matching Records - Returning to first Record"
'Return form to original state
DataEnvironment1.rsPersonal.Filter = ""
lblRecord.Caption = ""
End If
End If
End Sub