1. Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate window.
2.Press F2 to open the Object Browser.
3. Search for
You will see it is a member of the OldConstants in the Access library.
The new constants do not have the underscore, so search for:
It is a member of DataTypeEnum in the DAO library.
The other members are listed there as well.
If it is any use, this function converts the number into a name:
Function FieldTypeName(n As Long) As String
'Purpose: Converts the numeric results of DAO fieldtype to text.
'Note: fld.Type is Integer, but the constants are Long.
Dim strReturn As String 'Name to return
Select Case n
Case dbBoolean
strReturn = "Yes/No" '1
Case dbByte
strReturn = "Byte" '2
Case dbInteger
strReturn = "Integer" '3
Case dbLong
strReturn = "Long Integer" '4
Case dbCurrency
strReturn = "Currency" '5
Case dbSingle
strReturn = "Single" '6
Case dbDouble
strReturn = "Double" '7
Case dbDate
strReturn = "Date/Time" '8
Case dbBinary
strReturn = "Binary" '9
Case dbText
strReturn = "Text" '10
Case dbLongBinary
strReturn = "OLE Object" '11
Case dbMemo
strReturn = "Memo" '12
Case dbGUID
strReturn = "GUID" '15
Case dbBigInt
strReturn = "Big Integer" '16
Case dbVarBinary
strReturn = "VarBinary" '17
Case dbChar
strReturn = "Char" '18
Case dbNumeric
strReturn = "Numeric" '19
Case dbDecimal
strReturn = "Decimal" '20
Case dbFloat
strReturn = dbFloat '21
Case dbTime
strReturn = "Time" '22
Case dbTimeStamp
strReturn = "Time Stamp" '23
Case Else
strReturn = "Field type " & n & "unknown"
End Select
FieldTypeName = strReturn
End Function