It works
- but it is bad for your users / bandwidth
- your page load time will be for the full size images (not the displayed size) and may take forever to open
add the smaller "thumbnail" images back to your site in addition to the full size images
You can also use the same DB field if you really need to,
- rename all of your "thumbnail" size images consistently by a constant prefix as say "sm_fullimagename.jpg", where
"fullimagename.jpg" is the real name for your each of your full size images in the DB field named "Photo"
Your link would then be
<a href="<%=FP_FieldVal(fp_rs,"Photo")%>" target="_blank">
<img src="<%="sm_" & FP_FieldVal(fp_rs,"Photo")%>"></a>
Which would result in an actual link for a Photo named fullimagename.jpg as
<a href="fullimagename.jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="sm_fullimagename.jpg"></a>
| Thanks Stefan and Thomas for your input. Playing around I found another way
| to accomplish the task. First, I will use only full size photos, loading
| each with the size required for the table layout via using the Picture
| Properties. Then, under or on top of the picture have "Click to enlarge"
| with the same db link as I have in the
| Picture Properties. It works just great. Thanks again.
| --
| samG
| "samG" wrote:
| > Using FP 2002 w/ Access 2000. Have successfully got photos linked per
| > KB318813 and they show just fine. Have the original photos, but they are
| > cropped and resized in order to fit a particular table layout. Now, is it
| > possible to link the photos to the originals so a viewer can enlarge them, as
| > if you had them in thumbnails ?
| >
| > Thanks,
| > --
| > samG