We have a few databases that for some reason
automatically rename each time you open them (i.e. 1st
time database.mdb, second time database1.mdb, third time
database2.mdb, etc.). We cannot determine why it is
doing this and to make matter worse it seems random.
There are times that you can open the database and it
does not do that. It works perfectly normal. We are
running Access 2002. Any help would be great.
automatically rename each time you open them (i.e. 1st
time database.mdb, second time database1.mdb, third time
database2.mdb, etc.). We cannot determine why it is
doing this and to make matter worse it seems random.
There are times that you can open the database and it
does not do that. It works perfectly normal. We are
running Access 2002. Any help would be great.