Database Filtering

  • Thread starter Thread starter bomantas
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This is the whole situation. I've created a database in which I log
down bookings for my company. The fields I have, in the order that
they appear, are: Date (eg."01/01/04"), Definite or Proposal (where i
input either "D" or "P"), Sales Person (where i input the persons
initials), Client, Group, Location, Nubmer of People, Department (eg.
"HC", "MC", "CC"), Revenue, and Remarks. What I want to do is create
something, I think a form, in which I can filter the data to print our
reports sorted first by: Definite or Proposal, then by Department, and
finally by Date. I want this to generate monthly forecast reports.
But when I want to filter, I know I want to create a combo box that has
a list of months and when chosen, will filter out the entries belonging
to that month. Do I need to make a new form or is this a query or
what? Like I said, I don't know much about access but the most I found
so far was something about filtering by form or something like that.
This is all greek to me and I'm trying to learn along the way of doing
this database. Please help :p :confused: :cool:
Neither gibberish nor outlandish.

Start by creating your Report, with the fields laid out however you want
them. Base the Report on a Query that includes all the fields to start

Then you will want a Form for your filtering. What you want to do is create
the controls on the form, and then reference them in the Query you created.
The syntax for that is:

= Forms!<filterFormName>!<filterFormControl>

You put that in the criteria cell for the appropriate field.

Rebecca Riordan, MVP

Designing Relational Database Systems
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming Step by Step
Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step

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