lang=de_EN, WebWasher® Classic - our easy-to-use, extremely effective
Internet filter and assistant which runs on the client - is available for
home and educational use (schools and universities) free of charge.
http://www.panicware.com/popupstoppercompare.html, Basic
pop up stopper for IE and Netscape
Xenu's Link Sleuth,
http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html, Excellent
small and fast standalone link checker. The author has a hate-on for
scientology and cults in general...following the links is a fascinating
experience (not that I've ever really fancied giving all my money to a
bunch of toga'd scammers, myself)
Netstat Live,
Not netstat, really - net statistics would be less misleading. Keeps
count of connection speeds, amount of data in/out, hops to server, CPU
load and that sort of thing.
An easy-to-use http server
http://www.proxyplus.net/, Firewall increases security by
separating LAN from the Internet Disc cache with advanced manageability
Mail server with intranet mail capability Automatic sorting of incoming
messages Automatic dialing/hanging-up of a switched telephone line
Support of synchronous and asynchronous dedicated line WWW server for
intranet Management of all functions via a WWW interface Lifetime free
upgrade, free e-mail support Full function 3-user free version, 31-days
unlimited trial free version
Addons for Agent,
http://www.gordol.org/agent.html, Addons for Agent
Binary News Reader,
http://www.bnr2.org/, BNR is a news reader software
specifically tailored for binary articles (articles from alt.binaries.*
newsgroups, for example). The acronym BNR stands for " Binary News Reader
" (when talking about BNR1), or for " Binary News Reaper " (when talking
about BNR2. Confused? Didn't think so.

. BNR is freeware but
Power Grab,
http://www.cosmicwolf.com/power_grab_2002_info.htm, Power-
Grab is a 32-bit windows application that allows you to download files
from a Usenet News server.
http://www.disobey.com/amphetadesk/, A free, cross platform,
open-sourced, syndicated news aggregator - it obediently sits on your
desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them
in a quick and easy to use (and customizable!) webpage. With thousands of
channels available, AmphetaDesk can shave hours off your day - and you'll
look smart to all your friends! Egotism never had it better!
http://www.aclogic.com/, An easy-to-use and fast to configure
FTP server. Fed up with modifying your hard disk structure to share your
file ? Then enjoy CesarFTP virtual file system support ! You can with a
few clicks configure your server to share specific files without moving
and / or copying them to a new place. CesarFTP also supports quotas and
ratios, download speed limitation, limitation of the number of connects
and many other miscellaneous things !
http://www.ipswitch.com/support/ws_ftp_le_support.html, A
simple lite FTP client.
http://www.spammotel.com/, Web-based beta spam filtering
http://www.spampal.org/, SpamPal is a mail classification
program that can help separate your spam from the mail you really want to
http://poptray.crause.co.za/, Full-featured email notifyer
http://popfile.sourceforge.net/, POPFile is an automatic mail
classification tool. Once properly set up and trained, it will work in
the background of your computer, scanning mail as it arrives and filing
it however you wish. You can give it a simple job, like separating out
junk e-mail, or a complicated one - like filing mail into a dozen
folders. Think of it as a personal assistant for your inbox.
http://www.eprompter.com/, ePrompter automatically and
simultaneously checks and retrieves your email messages from up to
sixteen password protected email accounts such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo,
Earthlink, Email.com, iName, Juno, Lycos, Mail.com, Mindspring, MSN,
Netscape, POP3, OneBox, Rediffmail, SBC Yahoo, Switchboard, USA.net and
hundreds of other email domains.
http://members.iinet.net.au/~simonh/spacejock/index.html, An
excellent book reader...turns your text/html file into what looks like a
book. Search, download from Project Gutenberg and all sorts of other
toys. And talking of toys, also on site is: yWriter (project layout for
writing novels; BookDB (library maintenance); fCharts (stock Charting);
yMail (email client and anti-spam - still in beta (Aug 03)); Remind-Me-
Please; Sonar (submissions subs) tracker *groan*); yRead (text 2 speech);
http://www.prismaticsoftware.com/Download/BatchRN.zip, Batch
rename all files or all image files in a folder. Batch change extensions.
Use Auto numbering or other renaming options, 28, , 1059183232, , ,
Dup Detector ,
Dup Detector finds duplicate and near duplicate images by opening and
reading image pixel data. Large collections and large image file sizes
can slow Dup Detector but it works well running in the background. Large
image collections often are filled with duplicate images under different
names. Use Dup Detector to clean them. DupDetector reads 9 image file
types from a folder or its subfolders or from an image list.
LinkMenu ,
http://micrometric.com/download/linkmenu.exe, Linkmenu is a
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT4 file/program management utility. It lets you
access everything on your desktop and Start Menu easily and quickly. It
also lets you create your own custom menus of programs, files, folders
and Web sites. In Linkmenu, the menus are identified by icons. For
example, the "Audio" icon can be assigned from the included Icon library
for a button that has a menu of multimedia programs and files. All MS
Office 97 components, for example, can be grouped under the Office icon,
that can be found in the file "msoffice.exe" under the Office directory.
Grouping related programs, web sites and files under icons, lets you
identify the groups visually and pickup the item you are looking for
quickly. Single programs - or even documents, each with a unique icon,
can be included for those that are referenced more frequently. Linkmenu
is free, very professionally done, and a pleasure to use. It's a great
way to organize your programs, and quickly locate and run any of them.
Priority ,
http://www.moonlight-software.com/priority-free.exe, Speed up
your programs with this simple utility. Priority runs in the taskbar,
monitoring programs as they are started. Once a new program is started,
priority changes the CPU priority of that program to high. Your programs
now run a little faster and smoother., 29, , 1059184107, , , 1059184107
http://home.hccnet.nl/s.j.francke/t2t/text2table.htm, T2T converts
delimited files to HTML tables, separators are: (

(,) (TAB) and (|). It
handles CSV files produced by spreadsheet or database, handmade compliant
files may be processed as well. Also, CSVdb is an easy and powerful CSV
file editor, you can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any
http://www.under1mb.com/, Freeware list site that is only
interested in 100% freeware under 1 Mb, with no bloatware. Concentrates
on the rarer appz. Worth a visit
http://harmware.com/sTile.htm, sTile is a program designed to
create 'Seamless Tiles'; small images that, when lined up adjacent with
itself, makes a seamless pattern with no discernible borders.