Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I am trying to create a bowls pairs league
database. At the moment I have 6 tables, league, fixture, game detail, team
names, players names & score which are linked in relationships league (can
have many fixtures), fixtures (can have many game details). The league table
consist of league ID (primary key) & league. The fixture table consist of
fixture ID (primary key, league foreign key, date, league, team 1 & team 2
(both team 1 & team 2 are look up's from the team names table( I know people
say you should not do this but I can't get my head round it to do it any
other way??)). It is the same with the games detail table which consist of
game detail ID (primary key), fixture ID (foreign key), names 1, names 2,
score, names 3, names 4 & score. Again the 4 names are from look up's, as are
the score's!!! My main problem is that players (names) do not play every game
& not always with same partner. I have tried joining the names with a union
query?? (is this the right way to do it or is their some other way. By the
way, the fixture game detail consist of 2 teams, each consiting of 2 pairs,
the games are 21 up (hence the score table). If say team 1 has both winners
then they get 3 points, one for each winner & 1 for the aggrigate Hope
someone can help me in this matter.
database. At the moment I have 6 tables, league, fixture, game detail, team
names, players names & score which are linked in relationships league (can
have many fixtures), fixtures (can have many game details). The league table
consist of league ID (primary key) & league. The fixture table consist of
fixture ID (primary key, league foreign key, date, league, team 1 & team 2
(both team 1 & team 2 are look up's from the team names table( I know people
say you should not do this but I can't get my head round it to do it any
other way??)). It is the same with the games detail table which consist of
game detail ID (primary key), fixture ID (foreign key), names 1, names 2,
score, names 3, names 4 & score. Again the 4 names are from look up's, as are
the score's!!! My main problem is that players (names) do not play every game
& not always with same partner. I have tried joining the names with a union
query?? (is this the right way to do it or is their some other way. By the
way, the fixture game detail consist of 2 teams, each consiting of 2 pairs,
the games are 21 up (hence the score table). If say team 1 has both winners
then they get 3 points, one for each winner & 1 for the aggrigate Hope
someone can help me in this matter.