Database Design

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gator
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I have a Deposit Date which has many Deposit Receipt Numbers which have many
details such as PayeeName, Amount, AccountNumber.

I'm thinking I need a Table for the Deposit Date and a table for Deposit
Receipt Numbers and a Table for details. There will be a O/M relationship
for Deposit Date and Deposit Receipt Numbers and a O/M relationship for
Deposit Receipt Numbers and details.

Then on the form...will I create a sub form of details on main form Deposit
Receipt Numbers....and then....a subform of Deposit Receipt Numbers on the
main form Deposit Date?

Does this seem logical and feasible or is there a better design?
I see you needing two tables as follows ---
CustAcct --
CustAcctID - Autonumber - primary key
Account - text
LName - text
FName - text
MI - text
Addr1 -
Addr2 -
City -
State -
Zip - text
Phone - text

TransAct --
TransActID - Autonumber - primary number
CustAcctID - integer - foreign key
TransDate - DateTime
TransType - text (Dep - deposit, Wid - Withdrawal, etc)
Amount - Number - Single
ReceiptNUM - text
Remarks - text OR memo - based on how much narrative is needed

Create a one-to-many relationship on the CustAcctID fields with Enforce
Referential Integerity and Cascade Update Related Fields.

Use a form/subform with Master/Child links on the CustAcctID fields.