Dear AccessHelp:
Access databases are multi-user right out of the box. Splitting the database
is an essential part of creating a well-designed multiuser database
application. Replication is something different altogether, it has to do
with synchronizing data between on and offline copies of tables, and its
probably not something you want to get into.
When you "split" a database, you create two separate .mdb database files:
one file holds the tables of data, and the other file holds all the forms,
reports and queries and so on. The file holding the tables of data (often
called the "Back End"), is stored in a shared folder on the network server.
Copies of the file with the forms, etc., (often called the "Front End") are
stored on each workstation. The "Front End" .mdb database files are "linked"
to the Back End" .mdb database files, so that all users have access to the
same data. There is a database splitter tool available within Access to help
with the process.
There is good information here:
and here:
Post back if you have further questions!
Fred Boer