Database design

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I have the following database structure, for a transportation program
jobs 1:many customer
customers 1:many refferenc

Prb. Every job has one customer. Every customer has many reffernce(employees of the customers). Every job should have also one of the customer's refference on it

If I try to have a field as refference in table jobs and to have the following relationship
jobs 1:many refferenc

the program is blocking itself, and the form will not show up working
Any sugestions

Thanks Julian.
If every job has one customer, then you need to create a one-to-one relation
between those two tables.

You don't need to relate the jobs table directly to the references, they are
linked indirectly through the (1) jobs --> (1) customers --> (many)
references relation

Julian Botta said:
I have the following database structure, for a transportation program:
jobs 1:many customers
customers 1:many refference

Prb. Every job has one customer. Every customer has many
reffernce(employees of the customers). Every job should have also one of the
customer's refference on it.
Still don't have any control. The form is not blocking any more but the following problem still remains
one job can have only one customer. I relate them one to one as you said
one customer has many refference, but only one it will be attribuited this job
So the logic sense it says like that: if customer 1 has reffernce 1 and 2 and 3, and customer 2 has reff 4 and 5.
If I choose customer 1 as resposable for the job I should only choose from reff 1 or 2 or 3 on the drop list

Thank you