Terrence Carroll
I need to come up with a good design for a database addressing client payment
discrepancies. The main goals that I have are to track the number of issues
generated along with resolution status. I have an output file displaying
payment discrepancies by line item on an invoice (i.e. one invoice could have
many line items). Fields for the output file are as follows:
Customer Name, Account Number, Customer Number, Employee Name, Week of
Service, Invoice Number, Invoice Line Item, Date Payment Posted,Total Open
Account Receivable for invoice, Accounts Recevable Analyst
I figure the output file will be its own separate table. What I need to do
is come up with a way to assign an issue number to each line item. The
problem that I have is each line item on the invoice could theoretically have
more than one issue (i.e. sales tax was misapplied and client was billed at
the incorrect bill rate). Also one issue could apply to multiple invoices.
Therefore I do not think I can use a one to many or one to one relationship
between line item on invoice and the issue #. Can I get some tips on what my
"Issues Table(s)" should look like from a design standpoint or should I have
multiple tables due to the many to many relationship that is apparent in
order to come up with a normalized database design?
Terry Carroll
discrepancies. The main goals that I have are to track the number of issues
generated along with resolution status. I have an output file displaying
payment discrepancies by line item on an invoice (i.e. one invoice could have
many line items). Fields for the output file are as follows:
Customer Name, Account Number, Customer Number, Employee Name, Week of
Service, Invoice Number, Invoice Line Item, Date Payment Posted,Total Open
Account Receivable for invoice, Accounts Recevable Analyst
I figure the output file will be its own separate table. What I need to do
is come up with a way to assign an issue number to each line item. The
problem that I have is each line item on the invoice could theoretically have
more than one issue (i.e. sales tax was misapplied and client was billed at
the incorrect bill rate). Also one issue could apply to multiple invoices.
Therefore I do not think I can use a one to many or one to one relationship
between line item on invoice and the issue #. Can I get some tips on what my
"Issues Table(s)" should look like from a design standpoint or should I have
multiple tables due to the many to many relationship that is apparent in
order to come up with a normalized database design?
Terry Carroll