If you're wanting multiple access/editing capabilities, you can do some
serious database stuff with MySQL
For what he is doing, MySQL would be overkill. Access or FoxPro would
be his speed (although of course OT here). Installing MySQL is
non-trivial as well, at least on Linux - Windows is probably much
I've seen people try to do tasks in spreadsheets which are better
suited to a database before. Generally, if you're really good with
the "database emulation" features of a spreadsheet, you might get by
with it, but usually it's easier to do a database. The one area where
it may not be easier is customizing a report from the database. A
good report writer like Crystal Reports can handle most needs, but it
is sometimes not trivial to get reports out the way the users want
'em. On a spreadsheet you can manually muscle the rows and formulas
around to get what you want visually, so to speak, which is sometimes
easier than defining a report with complicated control breaks and the
like. But usually data editing features and such on spreadsheets are
less capable than what a database can do.
In his case, the requirements seem to call for a database, but he
probably could get by with a spreadsheet with some moderately
sophisticated approaches (maybe multiple merged sheets or something to
allow for multiple users, that sort of thing.)