database access on XPe

  • Thread starter Thread starter Danny
  • Start date Start date


We're currently evaluationg XPe for a project - could anybody please tell
us if SQL Server/MSDE run correctly on XPe, or would only the JET engine be
available? Is commercial MSDE usage covered in the license? (it would be
used as a local database engine - the server already runs SQL Server, but
it's not always connected/available). Tried googling for it, but most hits
relate to the component repository databases...
Also, could you please tell us from your experience - do applications that
run fine on Windows XP usually have problems on XPe? (seen some problems
with some shell extension .dlls here, but they seem rare).

Thank in advance,
Danny said:
We're currently evaluationg XPe for a project - could anybody
please tell us if SQL Server/MSDE run correctly on XPe, or would only
the JET engine be available? Is commercial MSDE usage covered in the
license? (it would be used as a local database engine - the server
already runs SQL Server, but it's not always connected/available).
Tried googling for it, but most hits relate to the component
repository databases... Also, could you please tell us from your
experience - do applications that run fine on Windows XP usually have
problems on XPe? (seen some problems with some shell extension .dlls
here, but they seem rare).

Thank in advance,

You can use MSDE or Jet according to license. MSDE used to be restricted
for XPE usage.

Apps that run on XP Pro can run on XPE. The only trick is ensuring that
your XPE OS has all of the dependant support needed by your app.

MSDE is not part of standard Microsoft XPe database. So you would need to componentize it (a complete componentization or just a
during/post-FBA install) or buy the component from a 3rd party.
The benefits of componentization:

Jet engine is in the Repository.

For the commercial use of MSDE please read the product EULA. (I think it is free if you accept the EULA)

XP Embedded is based on XP Pro binaries. So theoretically you can run any applications on XPe that works on XP Pro. However, there
is always a question of what application dependencies are included in your runtime image.
KM said:

MSDE is not part of standard Microsoft XPe database. So you would need to
componentize it (a complete componentization or just a
during/post-FBA install) or buy the component from a 3rd party.
The benefits of componentization:

Jet engine is in the Repository.

For the commercial use of MSDE please read the product EULA. (I think it
is free if you accept the EULA)

XP Embedded is based on XP Pro binaries. So theoretically you can run any
applications on XPe that works on XP Pro. However, there
is always a question of what application dependencies are included in your
runtime image.

Thanks for your answer. As I understood it seems to be redistributable
royalty-free if included in apps built with MS Visual Studio.NET (or other
MS tools).
Searching for the component I found this page:
which said "We are working on some issues on the MSDE component. We hope to
have this out over the next few months. No hard schedule in place.", but
also this page (newer):
which negated it's existence at the time.

Can the normal setup kit be used for a post-FBA (first-boot agent, if I
understood correctly) install? If not, do you know of a 3rd party that sells
a component for MSDE?

Thanks again,
Gordon Smith (eMVP) said:
You can use MSDE or Jet according to license. MSDE used to be restricted
for XPE usage.

Apps that run on XP Pro can run on XPE. The only trick is ensuring that
your XPE OS has all of the dependant support needed by your app.

Looked at the MSDE site and it seems redistribution is possible, but the
questions seems to be "how?". Although this doesn't seem to the first
request, the MSDE doesn't seem to be officially available as a component -
not sure if the problems are related to independence of other files/settings
or to something else. Do you think a "manual" install would work? (provided
we include whatever else from the OS is needed).

Best regards,
Hi Danny,
Can the normal setup kit be used for a post-FBA (first-boot agent, if I
understood correctly) install?

You can use it even at the end of FBA (from FBA itself). This is what Konstantin said to you. (as long as you include all required
components to support MSDE and installation)


I think the MS cautions about MSDE component issues is based on the

The MSDE redistributable install incorporates COMPUTERNAME into its
configuration during install. We do XPE cloning and set a unique
COMPUTERNAME via registry updates. We found that we had to do the MSDE
install AFTER restarting to commit the new COMPUTERNAME.

A simple batch command is used that looks like:

%WIN%\System32\Msiexec.exe /i E:\Build\MSDE\Setup\SqlRun01.msi
SAPWD="--------" SECURITYMODE="SQL" /qb!- /l*

The only files required in the MSDE SETUP folder are SqlRun01.msi and unless you intend to install multiple instances of MSDE.
Also note that we made no attempt to suppress the automatic restart
that occurs when this install completes.

HTH, Roy

Hi Danny,

You can use it even at the end of FBA (from FBA itself). This is what
Konstantin said to you. (as long as you include all required
The bottom line is that you have to manuall install MSDE or run the setup
during FBA (end of). I have tried to create a component several times, but
the security linkages and computer name prevent the creation of a
traditional component with all the files and registry entries..


Sean Liming (eMVP)
Managing Director
SJJ Embedded Micro Solutions

Author of
Windows XP Embedded Supplemental Toolkit Covering XPe SP2
Windows XP Embedded Advanced
Windows NT Embedded Step-by-Step

All available at

XPe Center website:

To learn more about Windows XP Embedded, come to MEDC 2005 in Las Vegas!