dataadapter update problem, (please help!)

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I've run into an interesting problem:
I have a very straight forward form that will update or insert records using
a dataadapter and a dataset. I worked fine until i changed the select
i regenerated the dataset and configured the adapter. Now i can't update nor
I can select fine, but when i insert or update the table does not get
updated. There are no errors just nothing. when i check for dataset changes i
get a true.
ok here is the code (is there a bug or known issues with or changing
sp's that will cause this?)
Private Sub lbtnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles lbtnUpdate.Click
' get the current data set with the row
Me.daMem.SelectCommand.Parameters(1).Value = User.Identity.Name
' set the values in the row and update
With Me.DsMem1.usr(0)
.usrFName = Me.txtFName.Text
.usrMI = Me.txtMi.Text
.usrLName = Me.txtLname.Text
.usrTitle = Me.txtTitle.Text
.usrEmail = Me.txtEmail.Text
.usrUrl = Me.txtURL.Text
.usrUserID = Me.txtUserID.Text
.usrPassword = Me.txtPswd.Text
.usrPhone = Me.txtPhone.Text
.usrWkPhone = Me.txtWkPhone.Text
.usrCellPhone = Me.txtCell.Text
.usrFax = Me.txtFax.Text
.usrCompany = Me.txtCompany.Text
.usrAddress = Me.txtAddress.Text
.usrCity = Me.txtCity.Text
.usrState = Me.ddlState.SelectedValue
.usrZip = Me.txtZip.Text
.usrMemType = Me.txtMemType.Text
.usrMemDate = Me.txtMemDate.Text
.usrExpDate = Me.txtMemExpDate.Text
.usrExtra1 = Me.txtExtra1.Text
.usrExtra2 = Me.txtExtra2.Text
.usrStatus = Me.chkStatus.Checked
End With
Me.lblMSG.Text = Me.DsMem1.HasChanges().ToString
Me.lblMSG.Text &= Me.DsMem1.HasErrors()
' Me.lblMSG.Text = Me.DsMem1.usr(0).usrFName + " " +
Catch ex As Exception
Dim msg As String = String.Format("<B>MSG:</B> {0} <BR> <B>STACK
TRACE:</B> {1}", _
ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)
Me.lblMSG.Text = "<B>ERROR:</B> " & ex.GetType.ToString + "<br>"
+ msg
End Try
End Sub
i can get it to update if i set Me.daMem.ContinueUpdateOnError = True
this being said how can i see the error?
again please ANY advice on this would be appreciated
What value does the HasErrors property on the DataTable have after you run
You can get the error per row as the RowError property, if you databind it
to a datagrid it will appear as an exclamation mark and a relevant tooltip.

The exact reason for the error - more than likely your InsertCommand and
UpdateCommand are faulty. Check the CommandText for those two, using either
debug mode, or SQL Profiler.

- Sahil Malik [MVP]
ADO.NET 2.0 book -
the haserrors on the usr table is comming back false
thanks (as always)
some day i''m gona pay this forum back for all the help i''m getting
Okay what about the rest of the things I asked?


- Sahil Malik [MVP]
ADO.NET 2.0 book -

WebBuilder451 said:
the haserrors on the usr table is comming back false
thanks (as always)
some day i''m gona pay this forum back for all the help i''m getting

Sahil Malik said:
What value does the HasErrors property on the DataTable have after you run
You can get the error per row as the RowError property, if you databind it
to a datagrid it will appear as an exclamation mark and a relevant tooltip.

The exact reason for the error - more than likely your InsertCommand and
UpdateCommand are faulty. Check the CommandText for those two, using either
debug mode, or SQL Profiler.

- Sahil Malik [MVP]
ADO.NET 2.0 book -
row is false also.
But now it is working and the continue on error is false. (?)
I did a check yesterday to see if the sp was getting called by harcoding a
paramter value and it showed that the sp was not getting called. It was as if
it were getting skipped. This has happened to me a few time and my guess is
that as you suggested it's an error in the table. I'd think a sql error would
give an exception. I would think that an error in the ds.table.row would also
throw an exception is this true or does it need to be checked?
thanks for your help

thanks (as always)
some day i''m gona pay this forum back for all the help i''m getting
..... columnsinerror is length 0.
shouldn't the row be in error if a column is in error?
thanks (as always)
some day i''m gona pay this forum back for all the help i''m getting
one last thing the sqlserver i'm using is being connected to via the web,
would this cause something like this with out a timeout error?
thanks i know i'm asking a lot of questions

thanks (as always)
some day i''m gona pay this forum back for all the help i''m getting
shouldn't the row be in error if a column is in error?

Hmm .. ColumnError is generally not set through dataadapter, so I wouldn't
worry about this just yet.
this was strange, for now i'm going to let it go, because it's working.
thanks for your help
thanks (as always)
some day i''m gona pay this forum back for all the help i''m getting