Data Validation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pascale
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Basically there are three categories from which the user can selec

Eg Issues Sub-issues Services-issues
- servicing - assessing - delay in assessing
- call centre - misquote
- information - website (no entry required)
- brochure

I would like the sub-issues and services-issues to depandant on th
issue first chosen, thus limiting the selection on the subissue an
servicing-issues drop down. Is this possible in Exce
Thanks heaps for the feedback, I have been able to use the indirec
function as suggested. Thanks again:
Informatics Outsourcing is an Offshore Data Management service company. Data Management Service includes all types of Data Conversion, File Conversion, XML Conversion, HTML Conversion,SGML Conversion, Document Conversion,DataEntry, Data Extraction and Validation,OCR and ICR Services with affordableprice. Our team to give the solution quickly and given requirements.