Data Validation Rule in Table Design

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve Stad
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Steve Stad

Can you tell me how to write a data validation rule I can use in the table
design mode for a phone number field that will not allow blanks (eg Not null)
and allow user to write N/A if phone number is not known or available AND
allow user to type a phone number as (123) 123-3456 if phone number is

One consideration ... if you want the field to hold either a number or a
text string (e.g., N/A), the underlying field needs to be text data type,
not numeric.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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In table design, set the field's properties (lower pane) like this:
Validation Rule Not Null
Validation Text Enter something (even N/A) for phone.
Allow Zero Length No

Not sure how you can create an Input Mask to allow both "N/A" and "(999)
999-9999". However, another option might be that:

Data Type: Text
Required: Yes
Allow Zero Length: No
Default Value: "N/A"

Just my 2 cents...
Thanks for reply DB guy,

You hit the nail on the head. i.e., the internal mask would not enable the
I used 'is not null' validaion rule with a 'message' and no zero length
Hi Steve,

Glad to hear you got your solution; however, based on your description, I
thought that the phone number field is a required field. By just setting the
Validation Rule to Is Not Null, you might check if the user can skip that
field and not enter anything to see if the Validation Rule will still kick in.

Good luck with your project.