Data Validation circle cell position

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rodels
  • Start date Start date


Hi everyone.

I want to create an alert that flashes a msgbox when a sheet is activated
and contains data that is flagged as invalid by using the validation circles.

In a large sheet, it is tricky to find all the cells that may contain
invalid data which is why I want to be able to create a msgbox that lists the
addresses or something like that.

By looping through the shapes in the sheet, I can determine that these
errors exist but I can't find out where they are as the data validation oval
does not appear to have a .topleftcell location. I can find out where it is
in absolute terms - and .left. etc..

How do I reverse engineer screen position to a cell address?

Sub shaper()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim x As Long
Dim s_addr As String
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If shp.Type = 1 Then ' oval
x = x + 1
s_addr = _
Cells(shp.TopLeftCell.Row, shp.TopLeftCell.Column).Address ' fails on type 1
Debug.Print shp.Type & " - "; shp.Name & " - " & s_addr

End If
Next shp
If x <> 0 Then MsgBox "Sheet contains " & x & " Data Validation Errors."

End Sub

Help always appreciated!

Many thanks!
