Data Updates With Date



Dear All,

I'm currently managing a database, and am trying to plot a graph from a set
of values. These Values update based on the date from another worksheet, vua
the formula

=IF(($K$5=TODAY()),'Data File'!$G$14,J7)

This means that the Data will update each day, and if it isnt today, then it
will take the values from the previous cells. However, seeing as I am trying
to collect the values over a period of time, showing their change etc, the
values will not be kept in the assigned cells when the date changes. As such,
unless it is today, all the figures will be the same for the previously
recorded days.

Is there anyway of telling Excel, through a formula, that if it is today,
update the information in the allocated cells from the data in a certain
worksheet. If it is not, then keep the values it previously had. When the
date changes (say in a week) keep the updated values in those cells
(Basically lock the values in the cells as soon as they are updated in
accordance with the date!!).

I apologise for the complexity of the query, but it is somewhat hard to

Thankyou in Advance



No. Formulas are "live". To get things to happen once only - that is, tied
to an "event" - you need a macro.

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