Hi Tom,
I think this is the site.
I don't see any trig functions. May be able to code them the hard way.
johnf 202 at hotmail dot com
| No. And you really can't get more accuracy unless you write your own
| functions. If you passed a Variant of type Decimal to a built in
| it would be converted to double or whatever the function normally works
| I know someone has written an addin that does basic math with numbers of
| creater precision than double, but I don't recall the name of it or the
| author. You could try a google search on Excel, Addin, Precision or
| something like that. Anyway, as I recall, this person was adding
| functions to the addin to do more complex math at higher pecision. Note
| that Excel works at the IEEE standard for double precision which is about
| digits.
| Also, Chip Pearson has a page on working with Latitudes and Longitudes-
| maybe this has some bearing on your problem.
| Anyway, just declaring a variable as Variant will not make it a decimal
| value if you assign it a number. It will retain whatever precision it
| You would have to assign it to the variant with the cdec conversion
| Dim vVariant as Variant
| vVariant = cdec(123.456567)
| --
| Regards,
| Tom Ogilvy
| | > Jim,
| >
| > Does this mean that I could get greater accuracy simply by declaring
| > variables as Variant rather than Double?
| >
| > ie use: Dim x, y, z
| > rather than Dim x as double, y as double, z as double.
| >
| > Peter Morris
| >
| > | > > Peter,
| > >
| > > From a Myrna Larson post:
| > > '-----------------------------------
| > > The decimal data type is a subtype of a variant. You must Dim the
| variable
| > as a
| > > variant, then put the data into it with the CDec function. Since
| Decimals
| > can
| > > have up to 28 significant figures, and doubles are limited to 15 or
| > how do
| > > you assign a literal value to one? From a string representation of the
| > number,
| > > i.e.
| > > Dim Dec As Variant
| > > Dec = CDec("1234567890123456789012345678")
| > > Debug.Print Dec, TypeName(Dec)
| > > '------------------------------------
| > > From a Chip Pearson post:
| > > To display these values on a worksheet, you'll have to change them to
| > > strings to prevent Excel from rounding them ...
| > > Range("C2").Value = " ' " & CStr(Dec)
| > > '-----------------------------------
| > >
| > > Regards,
| > > Jim Cone
| > > San Francisco, CA
| > >
| > > | > > > I am developing an application to calculate navigation data from Sun
| > Star
| > > > sights (interesting for sailors, boring for everyone else).
| > > > The problem is that I appear to be getting small inaccuracies when
| > > > calculating angles. I have used Double as the data type. Looking
| > through
| > > > the help files I note that there should be a 'Decimal' data type
| > uses
| > > > many more digits so potentially improving accuracy. However, a line
| > such
| > > > as:
| > > > Dim dLat as Decimal
| > > > results in a message: 'Compile error: Expected: New or type name'
| > > > I understand that this is saying it doesn't recognise the Decimal
| > type.
| > > > Do I have to add a library to use this? if so which one?
| > > > Any ideas gratefully received.
| > > > Peter Morris
| > >
| > >
| > >
| >
| >