Data Type

  • Thread starter Thread starter Simon Morris
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Simon Morris

In VB6 I use this code:

Public Island() as MapPoint
Type MapPoint
GridEast as Single
GridNorth as Single
End Type

How do I do this in VB.NET?
Hi Simon,

I think you'll like Structures in VB.NET. They are much cleverer than
those dumb VB6 Types.


Structure MapPoint
Public GridEast As Single
Public GridNorth As Single

Public Sub New (ThisGridEast As Single, ThisGridNorth As Single)
GridEast = ThisGridEast
GridNorth = ThisGridNorth
End Sub

'Structures in VB.NET can be clever.
Public Sub GoNorth (Amount As Single)
GridNorth += Amount
End Sub

'Structures in VB.NET can be informative.
Public Overrides Function ToString As String
Return "(" & GridEast.ToString & ", " & GridNorth.ToString & ")"
End Function
End Structure

Public Island() As MapPoint

Public Sub TryMe
Dim WhereTheTreasureIs As New MapPoint (0, 100)
Dim IAmHere As MapPoint 'Defaults to (0, 0)

Dim S As String = vbCrLf
S &= IAmHere.ToString & vbCrLf
IAmHere.GoNorth (100)
S &= IAmHere.ToString & vbCrLf

S &= WhereTheTreasureIs.ToString & vbCrLf
S &= IAmHere.Equals (WhereTheTreasureIs).ToString & vbCrLf
S = S 'Breakpoint on me!
End Sub
Use a Structure:

Structure MapPoint
Public GridEast as Single
Public GridNorth as Single
End Structure

By the way, there's a built in single based Point type