I need to know why I get this data type mismatch error in the following:
strPays = rst![CountryCode]
Set rst = Nothing
'find latest number
strNum = NZ(DMax("Right$([BranchNo], 2)", "Branch", "Left$([BranchNo],2)
LIKE '" & strPays & "'"),0)
The field BranchNo is a text field like CA-01, US-17 ect....
What I need to to is to retreive the highest number so I can create a new one
I need to know why I get this data type mismatch error in the following:
strPays = rst![CountryCode]
Set rst = Nothing
'find latest number
strNum = NZ(DMax("Right$([BranchNo], 2)", "Branch", "Left$([BranchNo],2)
LIKE '" & strPays & "'"),0)
The field BranchNo is a text field like CA-01, US-17 ect....
What I need to to is to retreive the highest number so I can create a new one