I am trying to build a WHERE clause with numeric criteria and storing it as
string criteria, but I am getting the Data Type Mismatch error when I open
the DAO recordset. I have two list boxes on the form: a left list box and a
right list box with 'Move One' and 'Move All' command buttons between them.
The code for the 'Move All' command button is (assuming there are two list
items in the right list box):
' Create the WHERE clause criteria.
For lngCurrent = 0 To Me.lstRight.ListCount - 1
strWhere = strWhere & Me.lstRight.ItemData(lngCurrent) & ", "
Next lngCurrent
' Remove trailing comma and blank space.
strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 2)
' Clear SQL string.
strSql = ""
' Build SQL statement.
strSql = "PARAMETERS prmWhere Long; " & _
"SELECT lngOrderID, lngCustomerID " & _
"FROM tblOrders " & _
"WHERE lngOrderID NOT IN ([prmWhere]) " & _
"ORDER BY lngOrderID ASC;"
'Create an instance to the objects.
'Open the recordset.
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("", strSql)
With qdf
.Parameters("prmWhere").Value = strWhere
Set rs = .OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
End With
All of my DAO objects are declared with the DAO prefix in Access 2003. Any
help is appreciated.
I am trying to build a WHERE clause with numeric criteria and storing it as
string criteria, but I am getting the Data Type Mismatch error when I open
the DAO recordset. I have two list boxes on the form: a left list box and a
right list box with 'Move One' and 'Move All' command buttons between them.
The code for the 'Move All' command button is (assuming there are two list
items in the right list box):
' Create the WHERE clause criteria.
For lngCurrent = 0 To Me.lstRight.ListCount - 1
strWhere = strWhere & Me.lstRight.ItemData(lngCurrent) & ", "
Next lngCurrent
' Remove trailing comma and blank space.
strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 2)
' Clear SQL string.
strSql = ""
' Build SQL statement.
strSql = "PARAMETERS prmWhere Long; " & _
"SELECT lngOrderID, lngCustomerID " & _
"FROM tblOrders " & _
"WHERE lngOrderID NOT IN ([prmWhere]) " & _
"ORDER BY lngOrderID ASC;"
'Create an instance to the objects.
'Open the recordset.
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("", strSql)
With qdf
.Parameters("prmWhere").Value = strWhere
Set rs = .OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
End With
All of my DAO objects are declared with the DAO prefix in Access 2003. Any
help is appreciated.