Data Type Conversion error

  • Thread starter Thread starter lisa
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I found Roger Carlson Denormalized database from the discussion group to
convert Table from Columns to Rows. The db is exactly what i am looking to
do, however the field property Roger had set is integer, and I need the
datatype to be text. I tried changing his code but keeps getting a conversion
error, please help

Below is the code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Created by Roger Carlson *
'(e-mail address removed)*
'(e-mail address removed) *

Sub DenormalizeTable2()
'this is the main subroutine which calls the others
CreateDenormalizedTable2 (MaxNumberOfFields2)
End Sub
Function MaxNumberOfFields2()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim NumberOfFields As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 Count(Table3.Value) AS FieldCount " _
& "FROM Table3 " _
& "GROUP BY Table3.ID " _
& "ORDER BY Count(Table3.Value) DESC;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
MaxNumberOfFields2 = rs!FieldCount
End Function
Sub CreateDenormalizedTable2(FieldCount As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_CreateDenormalizedTable

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tblNew As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As Field
Dim IndexNumber As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb

'delete table
db.TableDefs.Delete "table4"

' Create the table and a field
Set tblNew = db.CreateTableDef("Table4")
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("ID", dbText)
tblNew.Fields.Append fld

For IndexNumber = 1 To FieldCount
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("Value" & IndexNumber, dbLong)

' Set field properties here if you want ie.
' fld.Required = True
' Append field to Fields collection
tblNew.Fields.Append fld
Next IndexNumber
' Append table to TableDef collection
db.TableDefs.Append tblNew

Exit Sub

If Err.Number = 3265 Then
Resume Next
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CreateDenormalizedTable
End If
End Sub
Sub Denormalize2()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim FieldCount As Integer
Dim currentID As String, previousID As String

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("Table3") 'table with old format
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Table4") 'table with new format

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL ("Delete * from Table4")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

FieldCount = 1

Do While Not rs1.EOF
currentID = rs1!ID
If currentID <> previousID Then
FieldCount = 1
rs2!ID = rs1!ID
rs2("Value" & FieldCount) = rs1!Value
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
rs2!ID = rs1!ID
--------> rs2("Value" & FieldCount) = rs1!Value (THIS IS WHERE IT'S
End If
previousID = currentID

End Sub
Hi Lisa,
actually with your code you create the ID of table4 as text
---> Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("ID", dbText) <---
but you create as log all the others

---> For IndexNumber = 1 To FieldCount
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("Value" & IndexNumber, dbLong)
etc. <---

I think is better to leave the ID as long
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("ID", dbLong)
and create the new fields as text that I think it's your purpose
For IndexNumber = 1 To FieldCount
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("Value" & IndexNumber, dbtext)

HTH Paolo
Thanks but now I am getting an "Item not found error" after I changed the
datatype to dbText as Paolo suggested . My ID and Value column should both
have a datatype of text. And I noticed that when a new field is created in
Table 4, it's datatype is set as number, and then I would errrored out. So I
can't figure out how to set the property type to Text when a new field is
created, please help
I tried to do what I've suggested and Iget a table 4 with and ID field as
long and value1, Value2, Value3 and Value4 fields as text. Where the error id
Obviously if you like you can leave the ID field as text.

Paste this segment of code in place of the same segment in your code and I'm
pretty sure it'll work.

' Create the table and a field
Set tblNew = db.CreateTableDef("Table4")
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("ID", dbText)
tblNew.Fields.Append fld

For IndexNumber = 1 To FieldCount
Set fld = tblNew.CreateField("Value" & IndexNumber, dbtext)

' Set field properties here if you want ie.
' fld.Required = True
' Append field to Fields collection
tblNew.Fields.Append fld
Next IndexNumber

Paolo - I copied and replace the code as you suggested. but is still getting
an item not found error. Is there a place I can copy my db so you can help me
look at this?
Many thanks.
Well, if you like you can mail me your DB at
(e-mail address removed)
Correct the address eliminating nospam.