Hello Michel,
Thank you for your quick reply. I will use them also.
I am using an interface software to get data from a host.
In excel I can define it and define variables coordinates on this interface
and copy them in excel cells.
Is it possible to convert module below to access language?
Maybe my module that I use in excel can help me explain:
Dim swap, System, Sessions, Session, Screen As Object
Dim check As Boolean
Dim typ2, sase, land, RowX, RXE As String
Dim warten As Integer
Sub Data ()
Set swap = Worksheets(“Vehiclesâ€)
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Set Sessions = System.Sessions
Set Session = Sessions.Open("C:\Documents and
Set Screen = Session.Screen
If (System Is Nothing) Then
msg$ = "EXTRA! System Object can not be created!"
MsgBox msg$, 48, "Fehler"
End If
If (Sessions Is Nothing) Then
msg$ = "EXTRA! Sessions Object can not be created!"
MsgBox msg$, 48, "Fehler"
End If
If (Screen Is Nothing) Then
msg$ = "EXTRA! Screen Object can not be created!"
MsgBox msg$, 48, "Fehler"
End If
RowX = InputBox("Please enter first row to start:" & Chr$(10))
RXE = InputBox("Please enter last row to end:" & Chr$(10))
check = False
Do While RowX <= RXE
typ2 = swap.Cells(RowX, 3)
typ2 = UCase(Trim(typ2))
sase = swap.Cells(RowX, 4)
sase = UCase(Trim(sase))
Screen.SendKeys ("<pf4>")
Call Warteroutine
Screen.putstring "AA76A", 2, 2
Screen.putstring Space$(1), 2, 8
Screen.putstring Space$(4), 2, 11
Screen.putstring Space$(5), 2, 16
Screen.putstring Space$(3), 2, 23
Screen.putstring Space$(4), 2, 27
Screen.putstring Space$(5), 2, 33
Screen.putstring Space$(3), 2, 40
Screen.putstring Space$(6), 2, 45
Screen.putstring Space$(8), 2, 53
Screen.putstring Space$(17), 2, 62
Screen.SendKeys ("<enter>")
Call Warteroutine
Screen.putstring typ2, 2, 23
Screen.putstring sase, 2, 27
Screen.SendKeys ("<enter>")
Call Warteroutine
If CheckBox3 = True Then
Call Countryinfo
End If
RowX = RowX + 1
If RowX = RXE + 1 Then
check = True
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until check = True
End Sub
Public Sub Warteroutine()
warten = 0
While Screen.oia.XStatus = 5
Screen.waithostquiet (1)
warten = warten + 1
If warten > 500 Then
MsgBox ("!!!Sistem durdu!!!")
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Countryinfo()
land = Screen.Getstring(7, 67, 14)
land = Format(land, "@")
swap.Cells(RowX, 8).NumberFormat = "@"
If Left(land, 5) = " " Then
swap.Cells(RowX, 8).Value = Null
Else: swap.Cells(RowX, 8).Value = land
End If
End Sub