An event macro could sort it. You'd have to decide what conditions should
initiate the sort (moving to the next row, etc).
This may confound a user if the sort happens unexpectedly, because the
record just entered will suddenly be who-knows-where. Overactive software
can confuse and frustrate users.
How about a macro that sorts the table, and is initiated manually, perhaps
with a button, toolbar button, keyboard shortcut, etc?
Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net
JM0572 said:
I have five columns, Col A has a list of eight names, col B, C, D, E has
numbers and in the last col is the total of B, C...etc. How can I have an
auto sort while entering numbers in col b,c, etc. (without using the data
sort function) What I am trying to do is to tally votes as we enter the