Dave Johnson
I have made a Data Repository Class that holds all the Methods for the
Objects that i use in my System such as Order,Client,etc
Example for what i want to do: In the Client Class I want to inherite
from the "DataRepository Class" **ONLY** the methods that is related to
the Client such as GetClientInfo(). and the Same for the Order Class i
want to inherite **ONLY** the methods related to the Order such as
how to do this in OOP? if anyone is able do demostrate and example for
such CASE of Selective Inheritance that would be Very Helpful.
Sharing makes us all Better
Objects that i use in my System such as Order,Client,etc
Example for what i want to do: In the Client Class I want to inherite
from the "DataRepository Class" **ONLY** the methods that is related to
the Client such as GetClientInfo(). and the Same for the Order Class i
want to inherite **ONLY** the methods related to the Order such as
how to do this in OOP? if anyone is able do demostrate and example for
such CASE of Selective Inheritance that would be Very Helpful.
Sharing makes us all Better