I have a laptop HDD rated at 5V which was working fine until i
accidentally using the wrong power cord on the case device. The power
cord was rated at 12V. The case device is only of those portable image
tank things rated at 5V. Now the laptop HDD seems to be not spinning,
in that case device and in another that I know is working, and I need
to recover the 15GB of images on the HDD.
I am assuming that the circuit board on the HDD has been short
circuited somehow. Would you agree?
In which case, I have read that there is some chance that replacing the
circuit board with another from the same HDD could work. I have also
read that this doesn't always work as there are issues such as firmware
and head alignment mismatch to contend with. Would anyone suggest I try
this myself?
If not, than I guess I will need to foot the bill to have some
professionals try the data recovery. Ugh!
Any help would be great.
accidentally using the wrong power cord on the case device. The power
cord was rated at 12V. The case device is only of those portable image
tank things rated at 5V. Now the laptop HDD seems to be not spinning,
in that case device and in another that I know is working, and I need
to recover the 15GB of images on the HDD.
I am assuming that the circuit board on the HDD has been short
circuited somehow. Would you agree?
In which case, I have read that there is some chance that replacing the
circuit board with another from the same HDD could work. I have also
read that this doesn't always work as there are issues such as firmware
and head alignment mismatch to contend with. Would anyone suggest I try
this myself?
If not, than I guess I will need to foot the bill to have some
professionals try the data recovery. Ugh!
Any help would be great.