Data missing from cell after pasting from Word 97 to Excel 97



I am in a bit of a quandry here.

I have a user who is pasting text from Word 97 into a cell
in Excel 97. Once the data has been pasted, it will cut
off a bit of it at the end (for longer strings of text).

The cell has been resized numerous times, but, to no
avail, a chunk is still missing.

However, if I single click the cell, to view
the 'formula', all of the text is there. And if I double
click the cell, the text magically formatsa itself and
every thing will show up just fine....until I click
elsewhere on the sheet.

Any ideas?

JE McGimpsey

XL's specifications (Help/Specifications) state that while a cell can
hold 32,768 characters, it can only display and print 1,024 of them.

You can actually display more if you put manual linefeeds (ALT-ENTER) in
the text to cause line breaks at least one per 1024 characters.


I appreciate the quick reply.

Thank you!

-----Original Message-----
XL's specifications (Help/Specifications) state that while a cell can
hold 32,768 characters, it can only display and print 1,024 of them.

You can actually display more if you put manual linefeeds (ALT-ENTER) in
the text to cause line breaks at least one per 1024 characters.


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