data lost

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Need help please.I was signing up on a Comcast account and having trouble.I
accidentally started my computer with the Comcast CD in the computer.Things
went bad.I have Windows 2000 professional.I could not get my computer to come
up afterwards.I finally got it to come up when I told it to use the last
known good profile.The problem is:I had a lot of important and personal
things such as resumes and photos of places my wife and I have been that are
now gone.I am not a computer professional.PLEASE help me retrieve my lost
(e-mail address removed)
Start>search for files and folder>type in something you remember

for example if the pictures were .jpg files you can use *.jpg to see if you
can find them. The more of a filename you can include the less surplus stuff
will get listed.

Were the resume's written in something like Word? Do the same for *.doc and
see what you get if they were. If you manage to find something you recognize
right click on the name in the search window and choose "Open containing
folder" - you might find a lot of stuff in there or close by.

Much depends on what had changed since the "Last good profile" was created
but the fact that stuff may have gone from the desktop does not necessarily
mean it's gone, only that shortcuts were lost.

Thanks turns out you were right on the money....i accidentally
found some of the material just looking thru different things...and sure
enough...everything was right there together...i appreciate your quick
response and help.
Good. If you have enough hard drive space or better yet 2 drives in the
machine why not create a folder called backups or something and copy
important stuff into there so it's not in some system created folder like
"My Documents\Pictures" or whatever. I find this real helpful at time. If
you have more than one computer share a folder on each for this purpose and
then if you have a drive failure so much less to worry about. Permanent
keepers of course you can put on CD but that takes more time, maybe once a
month. Any backup is better than no back up these days :)
