data in subform not completly showing

  • Thread starter graeme34 via
  • Start date

graeme34 via

Hi I have a master/sub form for displaying previous despatches in the sub
form and the master form is for entering new records of incoming invoices..
The sub form was working fine displaying all expected records, but after
adding a new control in the master forms header, the subform (datasheet view)
is now bearly showing any records, the underlying query is working fine, I
assume the records are there as I can see the bottom 1/4" or so of the final
record, this seemed to coincide with the addition of a calculated control in
the master form, which required a new sum total in the subforms footer...then
if I leave the form for a while the records drop another 1/2" approx .....
anybody understand why ????

graeme34 via

problem solved...the extra control in header had caused the master form
header had caused the header section to drop considerably had to alter detail
section a bit...running fine (for now)

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