Data in sheet1 to be put into sheets 2, 3, 4, 5, etc

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Sheet1 is my main table where all my data is collected from a race entry
form. I need to seperate this info into different sheet which are for
different age groups, The categories are Under 16: A, AL, Under 14 B, BL, and
Under 12 C, CL, .... The letter A, B, C are for boys and the letters AL, BL,
CL are for girls. I do not want to seperate the boys from the girls in each

How do I create a formula that will take curtain info across to each sheet
and will not be effected if sorted into position order.
My table is set out like this.
No., Name, First Name, Surname, Club, DOB, Boy/Girl, Catergory

I hope this makes sense.
I guess it depends on if the data in sheet1 is completed/filled in or not.
If sheet 1 is the finished product and you just want to parse out the data in
different sheets, then I would simply make copies of Sheet1 by holding down
the CTRL key and dragging the Sheet1 tab to the right and dropping it. This
will create an identical copy in a new tab called Sheet1(2) Do this however
many times you need. Sheet1 would still be your raw/master data. Rename
Sheet1(2) to Under 16, etc. Then in you can safely and easily sort to your
hearts content and delete all the other rows that don't apply. And go on to
the next one. I do this all the time and it is very quick and easy.
Thank you, Yes, everything is filled out in main sheet. I did have it the way
you suggested, I was hoping for a easy way out. The problem I have is that
this worksheet could be given to anyone and I wanted to make it user
friendly, so that when it came to filling race results into each age group,
all the person would do is entry the info into the fields not protected. On
each age group sheet there could be up to 5 different races which each child
would take part in. So therefore, there time, position and other things would
be taken and entered into different table in sheet. Each table result is then
added to a main table with overall position etc. Its a serious amount of
information that gets put into these tables. Can you understand why I wanted
to make it easier.

By cutting, pasting or adding extra lines, this could mess formulas total up.

If there is now other way around it then great. I'll stick to the method you
suggested. Thanks for your time. David