I do not know how to even describe this problem... If there was any way to upload the picture i would have uploaded the snapshot...
Going to require a REAL .net GURU to resolve this problem
here is scenari
I use a data grid... i have done a lot of things with data grid in that form, like showing combo box in one of the fields etc... Also even handling the mouse up event to avoid user clicking on last row etc..
here is the problem
1) At times when i load the grid, the BUTTONS, GRID and all the place holders are replaced by WHITE AREA with RED DIAGONAL CROSS .. something like this [X] .. can not see text on them.. Funny thing is buttons keep operating... (events still exist)
2) This problem appears SO RARELY that i am not even able to degug for a specific issue
3) This mostly happens when i load the form... and then each form starts showing up like that.. till i close the application
4) At times there is an error indicated by a dialobox that has title MS.net FRAMEWORK., but on that dialog box as well those white boxes with RED DIAGONALs are seen hence can not see the error message as well.
ANY HELP will be appreciated... Can not tell enough how important is this for my deliverables
Going to require a REAL .net GURU to resolve this problem
here is scenari
I use a data grid... i have done a lot of things with data grid in that form, like showing combo box in one of the fields etc... Also even handling the mouse up event to avoid user clicking on last row etc..
here is the problem
1) At times when i load the grid, the BUTTONS, GRID and all the place holders are replaced by WHITE AREA with RED DIAGONAL CROSS .. something like this [X] .. can not see text on them.. Funny thing is buttons keep operating... (events still exist)
2) This problem appears SO RARELY that i am not even able to degug for a specific issue
3) This mostly happens when i load the form... and then each form starts showing up like that.. till i close the application
4) At times there is an error indicated by a dialobox that has title MS.net FRAMEWORK., but on that dialog box as well those white boxes with RED DIAGONALs are seen hence can not see the error message as well.
ANY HELP will be appreciated... Can not tell enough how important is this for my deliverables