I have 5 different queries that contain employee data by date and results in a calculated field. I want to generate a report that has each of these calculated field per employee. I tried putting together a report with just these calculated fields, and it didn't work. I was thinking of perhaps trying to create a union query that combines all the calculated fields. my other option would be to scrap the calculated fields in the queries and just put the data on the report and let the calculations be done on the report. Anyway below is an example of what I have, is a union query the way to go is there a better way?
employeeID employeeName
employeeID date data1 data2
employeeID date data3 data4
employeeName date data5 data6
query1 generates for date range
employeeID data1 data2 data1/data2 (calculated)
query2 generates for date range
employeeID data3 data4 data3/data4 (calculated)
query3 generates for date range
employeeName data5 data6 data5/data6 (calculated)
Desired Result
Date EmployeeID EmployeeName calc field from query1 calc field from query2 calc field from query3
Is it possible?
employeeID employeeName
employeeID date data1 data2
employeeID date data3 data4
employeeName date data5 data6
query1 generates for date range
employeeID data1 data2 data1/data2 (calculated)
query2 generates for date range
employeeID data3 data4 data3/data4 (calculated)
query3 generates for date range
employeeName data5 data6 data5/data6 (calculated)
Desired Result
Date EmployeeID EmployeeName calc field from query1 calc field from query2 calc field from query3
Is it possible?