I just started a new job where Data/Form is used
extensively for entering new data and searching and
updating existing records. The form is dysfunctional in
one spreadsheet: you can't add a new record or
consistently find records based on the criteria entered.
One of my coworkers says that when this happened in days
of yore, she would use a function called "reset database".
This function apparently re-identified the range of
records and the next new record for Data/Form. That
command either no longer exists or is called something
else. How can an excel dataset be corrected so that
Data/Form is useful again? Thanks for any help you can
extensively for entering new data and searching and
updating existing records. The form is dysfunctional in
one spreadsheet: you can't add a new record or
consistently find records based on the criteria entered.
One of my coworkers says that when this happened in days
of yore, she would use a function called "reset database".
This function apparently re-identified the range of
records and the next new record for Data/Form. That
command either no longer exists or is called something
else. How can an excel dataset be corrected so that
Data/Form is useful again? Thanks for any help you can