DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5]

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I lost all my data in all of my documents. I have Windows XP home and running
MS2000. I just installed Linksys Satellite and am netwrking with another
computer in the house.

Is there any reason for the loss of data? How am I able to recover it?
I restored my system good.

efortune8 said:
I lost all my data in all of my documents. I have Windows XP home and running
MS2000. I just installed Linksys Satellite and am netwrking with another
computer in the house.

Is there any reason for the loss of data? How am I able to recover it?
I restored my system good.

Since you haven't really told us anything about your computer, I can
only offer you a few general suggestions:

1. The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't? You mention a "Linksys
Satellite" - did the problem immediately occur afterwards?

2. The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the
malware/virus status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what
programs (and versions) did you use to determine this?

Be sure the computer is clean:

3. What is the general history of the machine? Is it old? Test the RAM
and the hard drive:

'efortune8' wrote:
| I lost all my data in all of my documents. I have Windows XP home and
| MS2000. I just installed Linksys Satellite and am netwrking with another
| computer in the house.
| Is there any reason for the loss of data? How am I able to recover it?
| I restored my system good.

'Malke' gives very good advice, but I would add that FIRST do no harm. Do
NOT use the system until the files are recovered. Since you did not post
much information about your system and the details of the problem, I am
assuming that you don't really know how to proceed. If you could not find
your documents the last time you looked, it is very likely that the data is
still on your hard drive. BUT, if some kind of file system corruption has
occurred, some of your documents may be overwritten and lost forever each
time you use the system. The safest thing would be to remove the affected
hard drive from your system and attach it to a Windows XP working system as
an additional hard drive, then examining the contents of the drive. This
will insure no further damage is done.

Recovery will depend on diagnosis of the state of your documents.
Also the drive should be scanned for viruses and other malware while
attached to the other system.

This is probably something you can't do on your own.
If you post more details perhaps you will get some specific recommendations.

Phil Weldon

|I lost all my data in all of my documents. I have Windows XP home and
| MS2000. I just installed Linksys Satellite and am netwrking with another
| computer in the house.
| Is there any reason for the loss of data? How am I able to recover it?
| I restored my system good.
| Help