data entry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patti
  • Start date Start date


I work for a wholesale power cooperative and am in the
process of developing a database that keeps track of the
connected load values for each of our 23 member system
cooperatives. This data was originally in an Excel
spreadsheet and not efficient when making changes. I got
help here several months ago in setting up the database:

CompanyID (PK) autonumber
CompanyNO acct. number
LastUpdate date field

LoadID (PK) autonumber
LoadGroup (ie, LG102, LG201 based on short,
med or long-term interruptible loads)
DoubleOrder (i.e., DO09, DO10…DO25 -- a device such as
water heaters, dual heat, etc)

TblLoadData (data entry table)
LoadDataID (PK) autonumber
CompanyID (FK)
LoadID (FK)

There are 11 different load groups and 17 double orders in
each load group for a total of 187 loads. I have a
form/subform designed with the main form based off
tblCompany. The subform is based on a query of both the
tblLoad and tblLoadData tables with a join on the
LoadID’s, which works fine. However, for the initial
setup, I want the subform for each company to list all the
LG and DO’s so that every time there is an update, I can
just change the kilowatt and relaycount fields. Since
there are 23 companies and 187 entries per company, that
would be 4,301 initial entries which is a lot of data
entry!! Is there an easier or quicker way to enter this
data since each company basically is going to have the
exact same entries except for the kilowatts and relaycount
or do I just “bite the bullet” and start entering data.
Once the data entry is done, its done and I will not be
adding to it. TIA
You can always build Append queries that will add new records to your table.
Open a query in Design view, drag the table you want to update, then drag
the fields you want to update the the grid. Next, click Query - Append, and
then add the information you want each field to be updated with (see the
grid for the exact row you need to enter this information in).