My database has a Users Table and I am making a New User Form.
The Primary Key is UserID and it is an AutoNumber field.
I would like to have the form open on a new record with a new UserID.
The form opens on a new record OK, but it opens with a duplicate ID in
the User ID field.
Is there something I need to do so the new record will open with the
Auto Number properly incremented?
It is a simple bound form with dataentry set to true.
My table already has UserID values up to 555.
Each time I debug my form to add a new record, the Auto number field
increments from my last debug session but it is still low enough to
cause a duplicate value in the table.
For example, I have debugged 10 times.
The next time I test the form, a new record will be created with ID
The next time with ID 12, etc...
These are still duplicates because the table already has UserIDs up to
It should be pretty easy to make a Data Entry form with an Auto Number
PK, right?
My database has a Users Table and I am making a New User Form.
The Primary Key is UserID and it is an AutoNumber field.
I would like to have the form open on a new record with a new UserID.
The form opens on a new record OK, but it opens with a duplicate ID in
the User ID field.
Is there something I need to do so the new record will open with the
Auto Number properly incremented?
It is a simple bound form with dataentry set to true.
My table already has UserID values up to 555.
Each time I debug my form to add a new record, the Auto number field
increments from my last debug session but it is still low enough to
cause a duplicate value in the table.
For example, I have debugged 10 times.
The next time I test the form, a new record will be created with ID
The next time with ID 12, etc...
These are still duplicates because the table already has UserIDs up to
It should be pretty easy to make a Data Entry form with an Auto Number
PK, right?