Data Binding in a Repeater



I'm having trouble with my repeater:

I'm binding my Repeater control to an OleDbDataReader object. My ASPX looks
like this:

<asp:Repeater ID="Rptr" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="LB" runat="server" Text="" />
<%# Eval("TextBody") %>
<br />
<%# Eval("ID") %>
<br />
<%# Eval("Owner") %>
<br />
<%# Eval("CreateDate") %>

If I do the above, all works fine. BUT, if I try to set the Text property of
a control such as...
<asp:Label ID="LB" runat="server" Text="<%# Eval("Owner") %>" />

then, I get "The server tag is not well formed" for that Label. Is this
because of the double-quotes that have to be inside the Eval("")?

Also, one other thing: How can I do date formatting for date values coming




Experiment with single and double quotes.
<asp:Label ID="LB" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Owner") %>' />

or try a few different permutations.

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Alex,

I agree with Sloan's suggestion. VS IDE's html designer won't allow nested
quotes. Therefore as for databinding expression which will need multiple
quotes(nested), we use single quote to replace the outer pair.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hey Alex,

Does that suggestion help you resolve the problem? If you still have any
question on this, please feel free to post here.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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