Stephen Plotnick
My understanding of data binding means that when a user changes a value on
the screen it actaully changes the value in an Access table.
If this is true here is what I want to do:
Threee field Access table:
First field and second field are text.
Third field is a yes/no.
I want to create a checked list box (around 300 records) from this table and
allow the user to check/un-check in the third field. As the use does the
checking/un-checking I want to update the access data base. All three fields
are displayed in each row of the checked list box.
the screen it actaully changes the value in an Access table.
If this is true here is what I want to do:
Threee field Access table:
First field and second field are text.
Third field is a yes/no.
I want to create a checked list box (around 300 records) from this table and
allow the user to check/un-check in the third field. As the use does the
checking/un-checking I want to update the access data base. All three fields
are displayed in each row of the checked list box.