Andy said:
I have report based on Table. The table has records for everday. Wat sould I
Write in Date field on Report so that I get Report for perticular Date?
I think there are probably two main ways of doing this.
One is to create a simple form to launch your report. Base your report
on a Query (rather than directly on the table) and include a criterion
in the query which refers to a control (e.g. text box) on your form.
The advantage of this is that you can check for invalid dates before
running your report.
If you want an easier way, try using a "parameter query". Base your
report on a query again, but for the criterion just put
[Enter date here]
in the query builder. When the query runs, it won't recognise that
expression, so will pop up a dialogue box asking for the data. Enter a
date, and you're done! Here's a neat description:
Phil, London