Ann Onimus
Any suggestions on the subject?
Any suggestions on the subject?
Ann Onimus said:Hey
Any suggestions on the subject?
Joep said:You want us to comment on the subject? Aren't there other newsgroups where
they discuss message subjects?
Ann Onimus said:I would only like to hear your experiences and suggestions, that's
It that too much for you, Joep?
kind regards
Previously Ann Onimus said:
Any suggestions on the subject?
Arno Wagner said:Maybe give us a setting, OS, willingness to spend money, etc.?
Previously Ann Onimus said:Arno Wagner <[email protected]> shared:
- win 2K pro is the OS in question
- money within reason
- I am on one 180GB HD, several partitions
- slave HD via rack <-- backup hdd
- will be needing network (not just LAN) synch as well (via FTP or/and
FTP with SSL)
I run a search on the net, yes, now I'd love to hear some experiences
+ feedback on this kind of software...
So it only replaces folders that have been modified? (I don't want it to touch something that it doesn't
need to.)
Arno Wagner said:O.K., the classical solution for syncing is "rsync". If you get it
to work it is reportedly very reliable and able to deal with
large sets of files. I think it also runs under Windows. Homepage
is here:
I do something different, but allmost all my critical stuff is
text-files. For them I just use a CVS server and put all the
stuff I work into CVS. That way I can work in multiple places.
This approach does work badly if you have many binary files or
large files with large changes all the time. It also requires
a CVS server somewhere.
Previously Ann Onimus said:Arno Wagner <[email protected]> shared:
I think it does not run under NTFS.
good choice, but...
...what if server goes south?