In the below listed code, instead of using GetValue(2), is there any way to
retrieve fields by calling the field name itself? (for example
GetValue("str_mail_from") ?????)
========================================================myda = new
SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT lng_id,lng_clientid,str_mail_from FROM
web_tbl_emails", mycn);
ds = new DataSet();
myda.Fill (ds,"Table");
foreach(DataRow row in ds.Tables [0].Rows )
string test= row.ItemArray.GetValue(2)
retrieve fields by calling the field name itself? (for example
GetValue("str_mail_from") ?????)
========================================================myda = new
SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT lng_id,lng_clientid,str_mail_from FROM
web_tbl_emails", mycn);
ds = new DataSet();
myda.Fill (ds,"Table");
foreach(DataRow row in ds.Tables [0].Rows )
string test= row.ItemArray.GetValue(2)