Data Access Layer to Business Layer with XML Serialization



My design is a Data Access Layer (DAL) which will return xml from datasets and readers to the Business Layer (BL).

Can someone help me to find documentation/example of a BL class which receives XML and deserializes it into itself
Even better is that the BL is an Order class using a collection base of an OrderLine class

Jan Tielens

Designing Data Tier Components and Passing Data Through Tiers
Summary: Learn how to best expose your data to Microsoft .NET applications
and how to implement an effective strategy for passing data between the
tiers in a distributed application.

Jan Tielens
Read my weblog:

Ryan Shaw said:
My design is a Data Access Layer (DAL) which will return xml from datasets
and readers to the Business Layer (BL).
Can someone help me to find documentation/example of a BL class which
receives XML and deserializes it into itself?

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