Just recently after several months of having the All Users Folder and lets
say Admin Folder remain the same. They have just flipped over to All
Users.WINDOWS and Admin.MyOldcomputername. I have not re-installed
windows,which some say would be the cause of that.
What causes the All Users folder to become All Users.WINDOWS, and Admin
Folder to become Admin.MyOldcomputername ?
....note ..strange the 3rd user has remained the same with out the
User.MyOldcomputername..just User. I did notice in the Admin security tab the
Admin user name had some how changed to one of those like
124kjgh-12h4kj-14klh1df-2342? users.. Im wondering since the Admin name was
garbled, that might have been the cause ?
Any who...How how can I set the All Users.WINDOWS folder & the
Admin.MyOldcomputername back to its original names without losing current
configuration ??
It's like some chipmunk hopped on my computer and went nuts..Sheesh...
Just recently after several months of having the All Users Folder and lets
say Admin Folder remain the same. They have just flipped over to All
Users.WINDOWS and Admin.MyOldcomputername. I have not re-installed
windows,which some say would be the cause of that.
What causes the All Users folder to become All Users.WINDOWS, and Admin
Folder to become Admin.MyOldcomputername ?
....note ..strange the 3rd user has remained the same with out the
User.MyOldcomputername..just User. I did notice in the Admin security tab the
Admin user name had some how changed to one of those like
124kjgh-12h4kj-14klh1df-2342? users.. Im wondering since the Admin name was
garbled, that might have been the cause ?
Any who...How how can I set the All Users.WINDOWS folder & the
Admin.MyOldcomputername back to its original names without losing current
configuration ??
It's like some chipmunk hopped on my computer and went nuts..Sheesh...