Marcel K.
To Whom It May Concern:
I get runtime error 13 'Type Mismatch' when trying to
validate a text box control inside recorset update below:
!General_Status = IIf(Len(Trim(Me.txtGeneral_Status) <
1), "N/A", Me.txtGeneral_Status)
Is this a viable way to validate?
Marcel K.
The below works as expected:
!General_Status = Me.txtGeneral_Status
I get runtime error 13 'Type Mismatch' when trying to
validate a text box control inside recorset update below:
!General_Status = IIf(Len(Trim(Me.txtGeneral_Status) <
1), "N/A", Me.txtGeneral_Status)
Is this a viable way to validate?
Marcel K.
The below works as expected:
!General_Status = Me.txtGeneral_Status