DAO and ADO are means by which you connect to a database via code wether
written by the user or by a software developer and embedded in an application
such as Access. DAO is the granddaddy. ADO was rolled out as a replacement to
DAO, but it appears that it hasn't wiped out DAO. Typically, DAO and ADO are
invisible to you unless your using code (any language) to work with records
in a database. A prime example would be a web page that displays records from
a database.
A recordSet/recordSetClone is a set of records. If you're just using simple
forms to add or edit a record, the recordset is there but for all practical
purposes invisible to you. (Many hotels are now using Voice over IP for their
in room telephones, as a guest you don't need to know how VoIP works, you
just need to know how to pickup the phone and dial a number.) You do have to
set the recordSet property for a form or report using the RecordSet property
in the properties page. If you create a form or report using the wizard, the
wizard sets it automatically.
A recordSetClone is just that - a clone of a recordSet that allows a
programmer to work with a set of records programmically for assorted evil and
devious purposes related to the conquest of the Earth and ultimate
sunjecation of the Universe. (All hail Stewie! Hallowed is the Stewie) Back
to the point...unless you're working with records via code, you'll never need
to deal with a recordSetClone.
I would recommend googling DAO, ADO, recordset and recordSetClone as there's
plenty of information out there going into detailed discussion of all for.
The wikipedia is a very good source to snoop around.
David H